Advanced Support

  • Security Support

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    • Let us secure your site while you focus on your business.
      Full plugin/theme installs and updates
      Full Configuration of WordPress
      Bi-weekly security checks.
      Bi-weekly maintenance and status reports.
      SSL Setup and Maintenance.
  • Advanced Support

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    • Let us maintain your site while you focus on your business.
      Everything from Security Support
      Bi-weekly performance checks
      Basic site edits during your bi-monthly support sessions*

      *Does not include content writing or SEO. Additionally, once your 4 support hours are exhausted, additional edits are billed at $150/hour. You will be made aware if work will push past 4 hours so you are not surprised with extra billing.
  • Full Management

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    • Let us run your site while you focus on your business.
      Everything from Advanced Support
      Bi-Weekly testing of all major pages of your website on desktop and mobile.
      Bi-Weekly testing of website systems such as eCommerce, Donations, Calendars, etc…
      4 hours of development work included per month.*

      *Does not include content writing or SEO. Additionally, once your 4 support hours are exhausted, additional edits are billed at $150/hour. You will be made aware if work will push past 4 hours so you are not surprised with extra billing.

      *Does not include changes to layout. Client must provide changes to existing text blocks. Up to 5 images or videos can be changed per support session. Extra edits are billed at $150/hour. You will be made aware if work will push past 4 hours so you are not surprised with extra billing.

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