I can't pay for my service, what do I do?

We understand that sometimes, things just don't go your way. Sometimes you need to pay for something mission critical to your business (such as a website) but you just don't have the money to do so. Luckily we can help you out.


I am unable to pay invoice (#000). I need to make a payment arrangement. I will attempt to pay the invoice by (MM/DD).

  • Make sure you input your invoice number and the day you expect you can pay the invoice by.
  • If you aren't sure of a day, a good rule of thumb is to not exceed 30 days past the due date. We are far less likely to accept your date if it is past 30 days. That being said, we will suggest another potential date.
  • After you submit your ticket, it will be reviewed by our billing staff. If approved, your invoice date will be extended to the due date you specified or later.


Possible Questions:

  • Q: What happens if I can't make my payment arrangement date?
    • A: First, you need to contact us. Second, it is possible your account can be suspended. Just remember to submit a ticket.
  • Q: Can I pay before the arrangement date?
    • A: Yes you can, we actually highly recommend that.
  • Q: What happens if my invoice for next month is sent before I can pay the arrangement?
    • A: For now, just focus on your arrangement date. Most of the time we will offset your billing date so you aren't paying two invoices back to back. Just know this system uses prorata billing so it may increase the cost of your second invoice based on the number of days it is moved out. However, we will try and run this by you first before we do this.
  • Q: What if I will never be able to pay for my service?
    • A: We understand this sort of stuff happens, it has happened to us before. In this case, let us know and we can help you pull down your data to keep for your records.  We want to make sure you have everything you need before we turn off the lights.
    • Q: Can I show a closed message on my site if I close down?
      • A: Sure thing. If you have to shut down, we can host a basic "closed" page for a few months for free. Note, you won't have access to any CMS such as Wordpress. We can only host a plain HTML/CSS file.
  • Q: Are there any fees for this?
    • A: While we typically charge a late fee on overdue accounts, if you submit a payment arrangement before the late fee is applied, you won't have to pay it. Sadly, if you submit after the late fee is applied, we can't remove it from your account.
  • Q: What if I am late on paying my arrangement?
    • A: It will follow the standard Automated System Timeline. Please read the linked article above to learn more.
  • i can't pay, i can not pay, i need to delay my invoice, payment arrangement
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