Yes, but we really prefer you use a card, PayPal, or Cryptocurrency.
Failure to follow these steps may result in your payment being declined.
That being said, here are the requirements and how to do it:
- If at all possible, please switch your billing from monthly, to quarterly. If you need help with this, please contact us.
- DO NOT SEND CASH!!! (or coins) Cash is stolen in the mail every day! Please do not send it this way. Please send a check!
- Check must be ready to deposit upon receiving it. If you send a check and require us to wait X amount of time to deposit it, it will be denied unless you have made an arrangement with us.
- Check will be deposited same business day as they are received. If your check bounces, you may receive a $30 bounced check fee.
- PLEASE SUBMIT A TICKET! Please submit a ticket if you are sending a check. While our automated system will let us know, we want to make sure you are aware of the requirements.
- If for some reason you have tracking on your envelope, send us the tracking number.
- PLEASE send your check at least 5 business days prior to your invoice due date. Failure to do so may result in service suspension if the check arrives to late.
- For holidays please send your checks earlier if possible due to the higher volume of mail.
How to send your check:
- In the Memo section, please enter "Hosting" and your invoice number. (Also Called Reference Number)
- Address the check to "Audaxis Marketing"
- Name on Envelope: "Audaxis Marketing"
- Mail check to: 2217 Northland Meadow Ct. Marietta, GA 30066.
- Please write the exact amount for your invoice or higher. (See notes)
- You may send amounts higher than your invoice up to $300. Extra funds will be deposited into your account as credit. Checks resulting of a credit higher of $300 will NOT be deposited unless prior arrangement has been made.
- Checks are deposited same business day as they are received.
- Sending fraudulent checks will result in the termination of your account!