If you canceled your service, or if your service was terminated, it can still be recovered for up to 30 days from the termination date. However, you will need to act fast as the longer you spend the less likely we can recover it. Below is what you should do:
- First, login to your account that you have with us. (If your billing account was terminated too, email development@audaxis.marketing instead with the following information. However, for identify verification purposes you will need to include your last three invoices with us.)
- Next, submit a ticket and title it "Terminated website recovery" in the Technical Support category.
- Finally, provide us the URL to your website that was terminated. (Please note, if it was a sub-domain or an addon-domain, we will need to recover the entire account so we will need to know the parent URL. If you are not sure our staff can help you figure this out.)
Please note, it can take up to 72 hours and our recovery team only operates on weekdays and not on holidays. Additionally, while we try to do everything in our power to recover your website, we are not responsible for any lost files or downtime at the result of the accidental termination of your website or termination due to non-payment.