Yes we do!
Here are the discounts we provide below:
- Wordpress Hosting: 50% off
- cPanel Hosting: 30% off
- Domains: 5% off
- SSL's: 10% off
- Dedicated Servers, VPS, Advanced Support: We do provide discounts but are on a case by case basis.
How do I get these discounts?
- First, create an account on our site.
- Next, open a ticket under Billing Support.
- Enter the following title exactly: "Non-Profit Discount Request"
- Now, we need the following information in your ticket:
- About your Non-Profit (Doesn't affect your discount, we just want to know what cool things you do.)
- EIN (We use this to lookup your non-profit status via IRS.GOV.)
- *Note: If you are an organization outside the United States, please provide your countries equivalent and how to verify your status.)
- Next, click submit. Once we verify your status (Up to 1 business day), we will provide you with a few coupon codes you can save and use on the website.